Jamye Shaw Specialty Swimwear for Ladies!

We offer the very best in fine, unique, and elegant designer swimwear fashions. We can satisfy your needs for swimsuits for the beach or pool, cruises or vacations, fitness or pageant competitions, or simply for your own pleasure.
Build your own amazing suit by using a winning combination of our fabulous styles and our finest fabrics, trimmings, and hardware.
For more information, please Contact Us or one of our Retail Stores.
About The Designer
When Jamye Shaw was making Barbie doll clothes at the age of 12, she had no idea that a career in fashion would be in her future. As she grew older, she began sewing for herself. She soon began sewing for others also, and she formed her own little business. Her creations soon developed into beautiful works of art and transformed themselves into couture designs that she made herself from start to finish. She made everything from clothes for children and ladies to costumes, to evening wear, and of course swimsuits.
After a long tenure with what had turned into a much demanding and highly acclaimed business, Jamye decided to focus her time and energy on designing and manufacturing her own line of designer swimwear. In 2001, Jamye Shaw specialty swimwear was born! Her own personal traits that had brought her success in the past continued to contribute to even more show-stopping designs. Her meticulous attention to detail, her concern for an absolutely proper fit, and her masterful flair for design and style are all reasons that her special line of designer swimwear has an edge that far surpasses any others in the industry.
Jamye's suits are being worn by ladies everywhere - for the beach or pool; the boat, pier, or lake; a cruise or vacation; or a fitness or pageant competition. She has become the swimsuit designer of choice for many ladies - from the younger teen group to the older single and married generations.
From her past involvement in pageantry, she has acquired invaluable experience that gives her a perspective and a deep understanding of the kind of swimsuit it takes to cultivate a winning appearance on stage. In fact, her suits have appeared and won titles at every level of pageants, from local to state to national competitions - including Teen, Miss, and Mrs. pageants. However, no matter who or where you are, if you are dressed in a Jamye Shaw swimsuit, you are a true winner!